Request a security threat assessment to safeguard your organisation.

One of our agents will call you to discuss industry threats and to advise upon how INSIGHT background checks can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Request a security threat assessment to safeguard your organisation.

One of our agents will call you to discuss industry threats and to advise upon how INSIGHT background checks can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Risk assessment.

Industry sectors are diverse by nature. So too are the threats inherently faced within them.

We are not a security company nor do we provide operational due diligence. Our service is intelligence-led with one purpose only – to protect organisations from employees pursuant of criminal or radicalised agendas.

Prior to our conversation we will conduct a sector-specific risk assessment. This will include accessing data from multiple sources including global intelligence agencies, dark-Net sources and criminal records to ensure that our discussion is both factual and productive. We will also address risks posed by individual employee roles within your organisation and relay how our investigations can be tailored by degrees of risk.

Risk assessment.

Industry sectors are diverse by nature. So too are the threats inherently faced within them.

We are not a security company nor do we provide operational due diligence. Our service is intelligence-led with one purpose only – to protect organisations from employees pursuant of criminal or radicalised agendas.

Prior to our conversation we will conduct a sector-specific risk assessment. This will include accessing data from multiple sources including global intelligence agencies, dark-Net sources and criminal records to ensure that our discussion is both factual and productive. We will also address risks posed by individual employee roles within your organisation and relay how our investigations can be tailored by degrees of risk.

Security threat assessment form.

Complete your details below. If the time you select coincides with another commitment we’ll contact you to reschedule our call.
Should you wish for us to address your management please refer to our security seminars page.

    • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
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