Sector partnerships help us to communicate our message efficiently.

Industry sectors have specific guidelines and legislation. We tailor our services to meet sector-specific requirements.

Sector partnerships help us to communicate our message efficiently.

Industry sectors have specific guidelines and legislation. We tailor our services to meet sector-specific requirements.

Partnership strategy.

Our strategy is to continually develop our partnerships, skills and resources to assist industry in resolving a diverse array of challenges.

Our reputation is attributed to our ability to secure and protect the interests of our clients. From a commercial perspective we will continually evolve our unique insights to develop sector-specific solutions that can be applied across the corporate landscape.

Partnership strategy.

Our strategy is to continually develop our partnerships, skills and resources to assist industry in resolving a diverse array of challenges.

Our reputation is attributed to our ability to secure and protect the interests of our clients. From a commercial perspective we will continually evolve our unique insights to develop sector-specific solutions that can be applied across the corporate landscape.

Sector-specific partnerships.

Industry-specific challenges create unique commercial opportunities. We are open to discussing collaborations that serve to protect the wider community.

Our intelligence resources can help to set new industry frameworks, help organisations to maintain valuable insights into employees, share-holdings, investments, work-flow and to protect the overall security of the economy. Our strategic partnerships serve to strengthen industries as a whole, deliver ongoing revenue streams, enhance client relations, develop commercial outcomes and secure continued growth.

Sector-specific partnerships.

Industry-specific challenges create unique commercial opportunities. We are open to discussing collaborations that serve to protect the wider community.

Our intelligence resources can help to set new industry frameworks, help organisations to maintain valuable insights into employees, share-holdings, investments, work-flow and to protect the overall security of the economy.

Our strategic partnerships serve to strengthen industries as a whole, deliver ongoing revenue streams, enhance client relations, develop commercial outcomes and secure continued growth.

How do our partnerships work?

We engage in partnerships with companies and/or individuals possessing a detailed knowledge of and leading contacts within a specific industry sector.

Providing sole rights to service a specific industry sector within a given territory, we work with our partners in every aspect including attending meetings, developing a sector-specific website, forming and delivering a sales and marketing strategy and of course sharing a highly profitable commercial and financial partnership.

How do our partnerships work?

We engage in partnerships with companies and/or individuals possessing a detailed knowledge of and leading contacts within a specific industry sector.

Providing sole rights to service a specific industry sector within a given territory, we work with our partners in every aspect including attending meetings, developing a sector-specific website, forming and delivering a sales and marketing strategy and of course sharing a highly profitable commercial and financial partnership.

Strategic partnership example.

Intelligence agencies estimate that an attack on the UK food and drinks supply chain will occur within the next 18 months. Using advanced employee background checks countermeasures are being implemented to stop terrorists or rogue employees gaining access to logistical frameworks to prevent an attack occurring.

FMCG Security.

In partnership with The FMCG Academy we work with FMCG food manufacturers to reduce risk to the food and drinks supply chain in terms of potential threats, process vulnerabilities and countermeasures. We pay particular attention to employees who, with intent could swiftly destroy the economic status of an organisation, not to mention the catastrophic impact it would have on the population.

Employee background checks.

Our employee background checks, the tightest available in the UK have been designed specifically to protect FMCGs from the threat of terrorism. Our intelligence-led investigations instil confidence in the status, background and likely intentions of employees in an industry that has been identified by intelligence agencies as being at significant risk of attack.

Strategic partnership example.

Intelligence agencies estimate that an attack on the UK food and drinks supply chain will occur within the next 18 months.

Using advanced employee background checks countermeasures are being implemented to stop terrorists or rogue employees gaining access to logistical frameworks to prevent an attack occurring.

FMCG Security.

In partnership with The FMCG Academy we work with FMCG food manufacturers to reduce risk to the food and drinks supply chain in terms of potential threats, process vulnerabilities and countermeasures. We pay particular attention to employees who, with intent could swiftly destroy the economic status of an organisation, not to mention the catastrophic impact it would have on the population.

Employee background checks.

Our employee background checks, the tightest available in the UK have been designed specifically to protect FMCGs from the threat of terrorism. Our intelligence-led investigations instil confidence in the status, background and likely intentions of employees in an industry that has been identified by intelligence agencies as being at significant risk of attack.

Why is the FMCG sector at risk?

The food supply chain is an attractive target for a terrorist attack. In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the World Health Organisation (WHO) openly stressed the risks associated with food terrorism.

Of particular concern is “an act or threat of deliberate contamination of food for human consumption with biological, chemical or physical agents or radio-nuclear materials for the purpose of causing injury or death to civilian populations and/or disrupting social, economic or political stability”.

To help organisations reduce the likelihood of threat there are industry guidelines such as those provided in TACCP. Such guidelines however fall short in their understanding of the magnitude of the threat and offer only basic remedies that fail to address fully the true source of the threat – which is ‘people’.

Skripal changed everything. I quick reminder on vulnerability…

It cost the Russians less than £2,000 to mount a mainland attack on the UK.

The result was devastating with town centres closed, hospitals quarantined, transport and businesses affected, a £10m clean-up bill and three people seriously ill with one fatality. More importantly, it created palpable fear in the population. Every terrorist group in the world now knows how to disrupt the UK easily, if they have a delivery system. The food and water distribution services provide a simple accessible delivery system, most of which is unguarded. It is a matter of great concern to the intelligence services.

This is not a new threat, but it is a significantly enhanced threat since Skripal, and an attack will occur. This is not to minimise the risks from rogue employees, pressure groups and ideologically motivated individuals, but the solution as far as there is one lies in taking adequate precautions based on comprehensive intelligence.

The facial recognition software used to identify those responsible for the Skripal attack is the same as we use in our employee background checks.

Partnership enquiry form.

If you are interested in discussing a partnership opportunity simply complete the form below.
Alternatively you can speak with us directly by calling +44 (0)1423 313005